Structural work is sometimes necessary when a building is in need of serious repair, or when an improvement project is particularly ambitious and extensive. It’s important to make sure that all construction is safe, secure and built to last, and sometimes that means structural and foundational work is needed. That’s where Fallon & Co comes in.

Our team of experienced constructors can handle all types of structural work to make sure your building is safe, sound and secure. It can be a nerve-racking thing to have structural work done on your property – the Fallon & Co constructors will keep you involved and informed throughout the process, and give you quotes up front so that the cost of structural work never spirals out of control.

Why might a home need structural work?

There are a number of reasons that a building might need significant structural work – here are a few of the most common:

  • Subsidence – this is when the ground beneath a property sinks, pulling foundations down with it. Often visible cracks appear in the walls.

  • Water ingress – simply put, this is when water is finding its way into your property, which can be caused by any number of factors. If it’s a drainage problem, then it may require some significant structural work to solve.

  • Material faults – sometimes, the faults with a building begin at construction. Improper materials or problems in the original construction process can cause issues down the road (which is why it’s important to use a reputable constructor whenever you’re building something new)

Structural work – what are the next steps?

If your building needs serious structural work – don’t panic! These days, structural work is considerably less disruptive and time-consuming than it used to be, and the team at Fallon & Co will endeavour to get your issues sorted as soon as possible.

If you think your property might need structural work, get in touch with us and we’ll take a look. Our team will honestly advise you on what needs to be done – give us a call or get in touch and we’ll help you out.


Have a project in mind? Get a quote or more information from one of our team.